摘 要商标翻译的最终功能是让消费者接受待定的商品,进而激发他们的购买欲望,最终达到购买该商品的目的。为了更好的研究商标翻译,本文以奈达的功能对等理论为基础,分别从理论和实践两个方面对中国的商标翻译及其策略进行研究。首先,本文介绍了商标的相关知识,包括商标的定义,商标的语言功能,商标的语言特征和商标名称。同时,在奈达的“功能对等”理论的基础上,总结了以下五种常用的翻译方法:直译法,音译法,意译法,直译和音译相结合的方法和创造性翻译的方法。使人们在合适的情景下选择适合的翻译方法。因此,要实现商标翻译的最终功能,必须是商标翻译充分与功能对等理论相结合。24862
Abstract The ultimate function of brand name translation is to make consumers accept certain product, stimulate their purchase desire, and induce them to buy the product. To study brand name translation better, this research which is based on Nida’s functional equivalence analyzes brand name translation and strategies from theoretical and practical aspects. Firstly, the study introduces the related information of brand names, including the definition of brand names, the functions, the language characteristics of brand naming. At the same time, on the basis of Nida’s functional equivalence, this study summarizes five kinds of translation methods: literal translation, transliteration, liberal translation, combination of transliteration and literal translation and creative translation. It makes people choose the appropriate translation methods under specific situation. Therefore, in order to realize the ultimate function of brand name translation, we must make a perfect combination of brand name translation and functional equivalence.
Key Words: functional equivalence; brand names;brand name translation
摘要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Brand Names and Brand Naming 2
2.1 Definition and Functions of Brand 2
2.2 Formation of Brand Names 2
2.3 Brand Naming 3
2.4 Linguistic Features of Brand Naming 4
2.4.1 Linguistic Features of Chinese Brand Naming 4
2.4.2 Linguistic Features of English Brand Naming 5
III.Theoretical Foundation of the Study: Nida’s Functional Equivalence 6
3.1 Nida’s Concept of Equivalence 6
3.2 Formal Equivalence and Functional Equivalence 7
3.3 Degrees of Equivalence 7
IV. The Methods of Functional Equivalence in Brand Name Translation 8
4.1 Literal Translation 8
4.2 Transliteration 10
4.3 Liberal Translation 11
4.4 Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation 12
4.5 Creative Translation 12
4.5.1 Blending 12
4.5.2 Purposive Misspelling 13
4.5.3 Addition or Deletion 13
4.5.4 Acronym 13
V. Conclusion 14
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgments 15
The Application of Theory of Functional Equivalence in Brand Name Translation
I. Introduction
A brand name is a sign representing cultural characteristic of different nations, society and times. It serves not only its expected functions of communication; it is also employed in a symbolic manner to identity a brand and its cultural origin. Brand names, as part of language, reflect the features of a certain nation, including the historical and cultural background, their attitudes towards life, and their life style and thinking pattern.
- 上一篇:对化妆品名称的翻译探析以“三美”理论为视角
- 下一篇:浅谈隐喻在日常生活中的应用