
    Jane Arnold introduces us the affective domain to language teaching. In her view, one’s affective state has direct influence on his language learning. In Affect in Language Learning (2000), J. Arnold classified affects into two types which are positive and negative emotions. If learners suffer excessively negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, stress or depression, their learning potential may be compromised.
    With the development of the discipline, more theorists and scholars raised their emotion theories based on the nature of the relationship between emotion and cognition. They came into two senses: one is that cognition takes a central role in accounts of emotion and the other that almost sees emotion as a kind of cognition in its own right. Recent theorists of emotional development, like most other emotion theorists, are making increasing references to cognition. Piaget’s position is one of parallelism, with emotion and cognition developing in a complementary, no reason related way; the structure comes from cognition and the energy comes from emotion. From the Piagetian perspective, emotional change is prompted by motor and cognitive changes.
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