    摘 要翻译是一种跨文化交际,它不仅是语言的转换,更是文化的转换,而语言又是文化的载体,是与文化紧密相连的;语言与文化都存在差异,而文化差异则造成了翻译的局限性。本文立足于可译性基础之上,致力于翻译中的文化因素及其因文化因素导致的翻译局限性的讨论,以期唤起人们对该问题的清醒认识,最大限度地减小文化因素和局限性对翻译质量的影响。24938
    摘要    .i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Cultural Factors in Translation    2
     2.1 The Relationship between Translation and Culture.2
     2.2 Cultural Factors    2
      2.2.1 Ecological Environment3
      2.2.2 Religion Beliefs.4
      2.2.3 Social Custom and Habits.4
      2.2.4 Historical Background4
      2.2.5 Material Culture5
      2.2.6 Political System5
    III. Limitations of Cultural Factors in Translation6
     3.1 The Ecological Environment Difference7
     3.2 Religion Cultural Difference8
     3.3 Historical and Cultural Difference9
     3.4 Cultural Difference in Custom 10
     3.5 Culture Difference in Material11
     3.6 Countermeasurs of Translation Limitation.11
      3.6.1 Lexical Borrowing .11
      3.6.2 Annotation.12
      3.6.3 Literal Transaltion.12
      3.6.4 Free Translation.13
    IV. Conclusion    .13
    Bibliography    15
    Translation is a cross-cultural communication. It is not only a language conversion, but also the transformation of culture. Language is the carrier of culture, and it is closely connected with culture. Language and culture are different, while cultural differences cause the limitation of translation. Based on the translatability, this paper is committed to the translation of cultural factors and limitations, in order to arouse people’s awareness to such issue and minimize the impact of cultural factors and limitations on the quality of translation.
    Key words: translation; language; culture; limitation
    Cultural Factors and Limitations in Translation
    I. Introduction
     Culture, according to lexicon, from a broad sense, refers to the sum of the material wealth and spiritual wealth which were created in the process of the historical practice in the human society. From the narrow sense, culture refers to the ideology of the society and the system and institutions appropriated with it. Culture is a historical phenomenon, each society has adapted to the culture. A particular social language is a part of the social culture. Every language in the different of words will reflect the things, the custom and all important characteristics of kinds of activities of the society. As Juri Lotman says, all languages are rooted in some kind of specific culture and all cultures are centered in some kind of natural language structure (368). Language is the carrier of culture, and has a profound cultural connotation. In the process of translation, there exists the problem of translatability and cntranslatability, that is to say the obstacles or limitations in translation. Translation is a kind of language activity. It involves two languages and all kinds of knowledges, it reexpresses the ideological, feelings and style of another language loyally. Translation is not only a science but also an art. The process of translation is not a simply straight line from one language to another language. Translation can be a regular conversion between two different languages, but not the mechanical transformation or simple trading (Zhang Peiji 217). Language is a reflection of the objective world and the carrier of culture. Because of these, words appeared to contain cultural factors. Language and culture are closly united. In translation, if the translator only pays attention to the difference of the source language and the target language, vision and ignore the cultural differences, the translation will be difficult to success.
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