
    Translation itself involves a cultural problem. Because the process of translation is not only a simple code conversation between the target language and the source language, in terms of its working purpose and features; it is the exchange of idea, in terms of its function, bearing the spread of culture. Language itself has a social and cultural characteristic. People from different cultural backgrounds often have different understanding and communication of obstacles, these includ or contain the culture of the language problem we call it the cultural factors in the language. Cultural barriers in translation can not be ignored, especially with the increasing human activities and communicative activity. The social function of translation is increasingly strengthened. In the translation of the text, the translator not only should try to convey the precise semantics in correct form, but also should be aware of the culture of the source language and the target language (On Translation 32-57), because the differences between languages display in not only the pronunciation, vocabulary and sentence structure, but also in its cultural features.

    II. Cultural Factors in Translation

    2.1 The Relationship Between Translation and Culture
    With frequent contact of all countries, different ethnic groups hope to understand and learn from each other. This leads to the translation to a spiritual product. Translation as a communication between languages, is not only the translation of language, but also the translation of culture. Eugene Nida pointed that for truly successful translation, very familiar with two kinds of culture is more important than to master two languages. Only in a specific cultural backgroud words can make sense (235). The process of translation involves not only two languages, but also involves two types of social culture. Translation is the expresss of a kind of language information in another language communication process, as well as a bridge to spread knowledge and culture. While different cultures have distinctions and contact, there are both their own personalities and commons.
  1. 上一篇:合作学习在初中英语写作教学中的应用
  2. 下一篇:建构主义在初中英语词汇教学中的应用
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