    英文电影片名的翻译不仅仅是一种特殊的文本翻译,更是一种文化翻译。本文从语用学的角度,以Verschuenren 的语用顺应理论为基础,从对语言的顺应,对文化的顺应,对观众的顺应和商业的顺应四个方面探讨顺应理论在英文电影片名翻译中的应用。提出电影片名翻译只有适当地利用顺应理论进行不同文化的审美对接,才能对英文电影片名进行正确地汉译,从而更好地实现电影的真正价值。25105
    Abstract  The Chinese and foreign cultural exchange is frequently and closely day by day with the acceleration of Chinese globalization advancement. English movie as an important foreign country culture carrier is paid increasing attention by Chinese people. A successful translated movie title is not only able to obtain audiences’ favor but plays a critical role in the cultural exchange of both sides.
         English movie titles translation is more than a kind of special text translation but is a cultural translation. From the perspective of pragmatics and based on Verschuenren’s theory of adaptation, this article discusses the application of the theory of adaptation to English movie titles translation from the following two basic aspects of Verschuenren’s theory: the structural objects of adaptability, the contextual correlates of adaptability which are embodied in the areas of language structure, culture, business and audiences. It also proposes that only use the theory properly to amalgamate and connect different cultures, can translate movie titles correctly and realize the true value of the movie.
    Key words: English movie titles translation; theory of adaptation; Verschuenren’s   theory; structure; culture
    The Application of the Theory of Adaptation to English Movie Titles Translation
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ.Introduction    1
    Ⅱ.Theory of adaptation    2
    Ⅲ.The Application of the Adaptation Theory to the Translation of English Movie Titles    4
    3.1 The application of structural objects of adaptability    4
    3.1.1 Adaptation to English movie titles’ pronunciation    5
    3.1.2 Adaptation to four-character idioms    5
    3.2 The application of Contextual correlates of adaptability    6
    3.2.1 Adaptation to Culture    6
    3.2.2. Adaptation to Business    7
    3.2.3 Adaptation to Audiences    8
    Ⅳ. The Significance of Adaptation Theory    10
    Ⅴ.Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13

    The movie is an artistic figure for all tastes and it has been a cultural bridge among nations. In most movies, the titles firstly draw the audience's attention. The title, like the trademark of a production, is only made up of a few words, but it contains as much information as possible. Especially, the translations of foreign movie titles play a crucial role in helping people understand movies and foreign culture. The movie, as a commercial culture, is a sort of cultural consumption goods. The first thing that the consumer (the audience) touches is the movie title. Thus, how to translate the titles commendably and promote cultural exchange is an important issue that is worth exploring.
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