    摘 要由于中美两国的地理位置、历史状况、以及文化传统的差异,中国人和美国人在饮食习惯方面有很大的不同,从而形成了中美各自独特的饮食文化。本文主要运用对比分析的方法对中美不同的饮食文化观,特色菜以及餐桌礼仪这三方面进行研究。本文对中美饮食文化的对比分析可以帮助中国人和美国人更好地认识自己的饮食文化。同时,本文的研究也有助于消除由不同饮食文化造成的误解,促进两国人民的交流沟通。32141
    Abstract Because of the differences between the geographies, histories, cultures and traditions of America and China, the people of America and China share greatly different dietary habits, and have their own cultural perspectives of diet. The paper will focus on the introduction of American and Chinese cultural perspectives, their special dishes and their different table manners to carry out a contrastive analysis on the differences between American and Chinese diet cultures. Actually, the thesis can help Americans and Chinese know better about their own diet cultures. Besides, the study of this thesis contributes to eliminating cultural misunderstanding caused by different cultures and promoting the communication between America and the China.
    Key words: cultural perspectives of diet; special dishes; table manners
     A Comparative Analysis of Differences Between American and Chinese Diet Cultures
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. American and Chinese Cultural Perspectives of Diet    2
    2.1 American Cultural Perspectives of Diet     3
    2.2 Chinese Cultural Perspectives of Diet    4
    III. Special Dishes of American and Chinese Diet Cultures    5
    3.1 Special Dishes of American Diet Culture    5
    3.2 Special Dishes of Chinese Diet Culture    6
    IV. Different Table Manners Between American and Chinese Diet Cultures    9
    4.1 Table Manners of American Diet Culture    10
    4.2 Table Manners of Chinese Diet Culture    11
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements     ……16
    I. Introduction
    Food, as an essential prerequisite for existence, is the substance that provides the necessary nutrient to maintain life and growth when ingested. It plays an irreplaceable role in the development of society and in the progress of human beings (Li 87). As human evolve, their needs for food is not only limited to nutrition, but also the satisfaction brought about by eating. So eating food has became a kind of culture. However, people living in different countries are influenced by respective natural environment, historical background and national culture. Then in the field of diet culture, national discrepancies come into being. Although discrepancies on diet culture originate from certain historical reasons, their inheritance and development are dominated by spiritual culture which has the subjective tendentiousness.
    As an important aspect of culture, the diet culture refers to all cultural phenomena which result from different distributions on food. Different distributions are caused by various groups of human beings. With the importance of the diet, most of the nutrition studiers over the world are researching different eating habits of different countries to find out a reasonable and healthy diet structure. Cultural differences in food among different countries are also a phenomenon of cross-cultural communication. Studying these differences can help people have a better understanding of their own diet culture and promote cross-cultural communication.
    The cross-cultural communication under the globalize situation makes diet culture become more and more important. If making a comparison of people’s eating habits between the two representative countries, it will arrive at an issue in the diet culture that worth exploring. The paper will talk about different diet cultures between America and china.
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