
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction
        Under the background of the globalization, China has become more and more powerful in various aspects. But in order to keep contact with the world, we need to learn English first. From elementary schools to secondary schools and even to universities, English has been a required course. However, language teaching methods have been improved uninterruptedly under the background of rapid economy. It is obvious that the traditional teaching method, “teacher-centered” methods, could not meet the needs on the current conditions. Therefore Ministry of Education has published the English course standard in 2001.It advocates teacher should try their best to employ “task-based” teaching methods avoiding from those traditional teaching methods.
    TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching) originates from Communicative Approach and started to be applied in the 1980s, aiming at enabling learners to learn the target language through the accomplishment of tasks. This approach focuses on learners, and claims that effective language learning is experiential rather than passive receives in the classroom. This approach emphasizes students as the main body and “learning by doing”, encourage teachers to transform the basic theory into the practical classroom teaching and develop students’ language application ability under the environment of practical application. TBLT organizes teaching activities in the form of task, focus on the process of learn, emphasizes teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction, and tries to establish a natural and real language environment. It stimulates students’ learning enthusiasm, initiative and creativity by enabling students to accomplish specific tasks and the way of participation, interaction, communication and cooperation. This is a learning mode which integrates investigation, thinking, discussion, communication and cooperation.
    The research on task-based language teaching began in 1980s. It is first introduced by N.Prabhu in 1983. Probhu made an experiment in classroom in Banglore, India and bring out many types of tasks, design the content need to be learned into various communicative tasks, finally make students learn something through completing these tasks. This attempt can be regarded as the earliest touch in language. He created famous Bangalore Communicative Teaching Project (CTP) in India for around five years. In his experiment, the implementation consisted of three stages :pre-task, task and assessment. Prabhu’s CTP is a milestone in new teaching method and has laid a solid foundation for the further development of Task-based Language Teaching.
  1. 上一篇:认知心理学理论在中学英语教学中的应用
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