
    Language learning is influenced by the context that we live in. Scholars have different opinions and statements on context.
    Context and culture are inseparable. Claire Kramsch thinks that the learner of a second language or foreign language is impossible to learn the language if he or she does not understand the cultural background of a language (14). She thinks that the cause of cultural conflict is due to the teacher in class to create a new context, so that the students can give new meaning to poetry according to the specific context. To this topic, Bernard Spolsky thinks that second language learning is a highly complex process, involving many factors and conditions, such as language learning, language use, language testing, learners’ inpidual differences, social and cultural differences, etc (383). In many ways learners should understand what the second language acquisition means. It is the process by which people learn languages in addition to their native tongues. Just as second language is the standard term for any language whose acquisition starts after early childhood, including that is chronologically the third or subsequent language. Rod Ellis states that it is a popular belief that second language acquisition is strongly influenced by the learners’ first language, and it is also a popular belief that the role of first language in second language learning is a negative one(390). Ellis says that second language learners vary on a number of dimensions to do with personality, motivation, learning style, aptitude and age. For middle school students, they are full of expectations from their teachers. Eli thinks that the reason why students’ classroom behaviors and teachers’ expectations disparate is that they have different teaching ideological and philosophical roots. Knowing of the influences by the context, the scholars have made achievement in the field of it. Chinese scholars have come to realize the significance of context. Such as Su Liuhua, Yu Liming and Li Haichuan. They have realized the influence on language transfer and point out the mistakes in language teaching and learning. So they have made a big achievement.
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