    摘 要英语的全球化不可避免地导致其本土化或本地化,不同的社会和文化背景产生不同种类的英语跨文化交际。文化背景被广泛应用于商业,学术界,出版和政治领域,科学杂志,以及大众媒体。通过研究跨国际化英语,可以帮助找到中国英语成为一种制度化的基本原因,并证明其客观存在性,可理解性和可接受性。论文着重研究汉语文化背景对小学生英语学习的影响,从而加深理解和扩大中国英语的研究视角,使小学生正确识别和使用它,希望本文有利于小学生对英语学习策略的理解。40677
    Abstract The globalization of English inevitably results in its nativization or localization and gives rise to different varieties of English in cross-cultural communication because different social and cultural contexts and cultural background are widely applied in the fields of business, academics, publication, and politics, scientific journals as well as mass media. The study of it can also help to find the basic reason for China English to be an institutionalized variety, and prove its objective reality, intelligibility and acceptability. This paper focus on the how Chinese cultural background affect the learning result of English of elementarary school studients which hopes to deepen the understanding and broaden the research perspective of Chinese English, so as to make elementary school students correctly recognize and use it. Hopefully this paper will be beneficial to the understanding of the English learning strategies.
    Key words: cultural background; English learning; Elementary school students
    Effects of Chinese Culture Background on Primary Pupils’ English Learning
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. Literature Review    2
    2.1 English Globalization and Localization    3
    2.2 Researches on English Learning    3
    2.2.1 Studies at Home    3
    2.2.2 Studies Abroad    4
    Ⅲ.Different Types of Chinese Cultural Background    5
    3.1 Circular Cultural Background    5
    3.2 Integral Cultural Background    6
    3.3 Concrete Cultural Background    7
    3.4 Subjective Cultural Background    8
    3.5 Collectivism Cultural Background    9
    Ⅳ.The Influence of Chinese Cultural Background on English Learning    10
    4.1 Influence on Lexical Level of English Learning    10
    4.1.1 More Concrete Nouns in English Learning    11
    4.1.2 Partiality for the Verbs in English Learning    13
    4.2 Influence on Syntactic of English Learning    14
    4.3 Influence on Discourse of English Learning    15
    4.3.1 Circular Structure    16
    4.3.2 Particular-General Pattern    16
    V.Conclusion    17
    Bibliography    19
    Acknowledgements    20
    I. Introduction

    With the rapid development of globalization, English has become the global language or an international language. It has been increasingly used in international and international purposes, without their participation in the mother tongue. According to David Crystal (2001), and 450 million people living in the English spoken as a first language in 57 countries; there are 350 million people living in the English as a second language in 67 countries; in China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia and Brazil, which has the largest population, about 12 to 15 billions of people a certain level of English as a foreign language skills. It is widely used in business, academic, publishing and political spheres, scientific journals and the mass media. English Globalization has led to its localization or localization. Language is used to express the reality, the exchange of information, the dissemination of culture, but different countries have different histories, cultures, traditions, political, economic and lifestyle, so when Britain was used in different countries, to borrow some language elements and culture. The background to these countries reflect their own characteristics. It makes English more perse, inclusive and flexible.
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