    Time to realize its importance 6

    4.1.3 Formal trainings 6

    4.1.4 Frequency of its use 7

    4.1.5 Judgment of its effectiveness 7

    4.2.1 Free talk 8

    4.2.2 Real objects 10

    4.2.3 Body language 12

    4.2.4 Pictures 13

    4.2.5 The CAI 13

    4.3.1 The Positive aspect of creating situation. 14

    (i) To enliven classroom atmosphere 14

    (ii) To use various methods 14

    (iii) To pay attention to CAI 14

    4.3.2 Problems in creating situation 14

    (i) Separate Situations 14

    (ii) Short time Free talk 14

    (iii) Inappropriate use of pictures 15

    (iv) Inappropriate use of body language 15

    5. Conclusion 15

    5.2.1 Continuously apply the SLT 16

    5.2.2 Make clear the purpose of the SLT 16

    5.2.3 Use appropriate methods 16

    Reference 17

    1. Introduction

    The new English Curriculum Standard (2011) sets the overall objective of English course is to cultivate learners’ comprehensive language application ability. Therefore, developing students’ English learning interest and providing them opportunities to express and apply English effectively have becoming extremely important for English teaching. In that case, the Situational Language Teaching (the SLT), an approach of English teaching, has been paid more and more attention.

    1.1 Significance of the study

    The SLT is a significant approach for language teaching especially for primary school students. First, it meets the features of primary school student. Piaget (2011) pointed out that students of 7 to 11 years old are both physically and mentally immature. They can form concepts, see relationships and solve problems as long as they involved in situations that are familiar with. Therefore, the SLT with various situations that students are familiar with can help them better learn language. Second, the SLT meets the requirements of English curriculum standard (2011). Students in primary school are required to reach the first level objectives. They are (1) Students are curious about English and like listening others to speak English (2) Students can follow teacher’s instruction to do action, play games, do simple role play, sing songs, play chant; Also, they can understand some simple stories with the help of pictures. (3) Students can communicate their personal information and express their feelings and emotions. (4) Students are likely to imitate and dare to express themselves. All of these objectives can be well achieved through the SLT. Third, the SLT meets the requirement of teaching materials. The new PEP teaching material (2013) is closer to students’ real life. Every unit in it has a topic that closely related to students’ daily life. And the pictures and their accompanying essays, dialogues, stories and chants in each section are quiet interesting. The new teaching material appeals to teachers to create situations to help students understand what they are going to learn and apply them in their real life. 

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