The Cultivation of the Intercultural Communication Competence in Junior English Class Abstract Based on Michael Byram’s(1997) model of Intercultural Communicative (ICC) Competence and the requirements of ICC Competence listed in the New Standards Curriculum(2011), this thesis aims to study the effects of incorporating the Situational Teaching Method on the cultivation of students’ ICC Competence in junior high school. Research tools employed in this study included two tests for students, two interviews with students and teacher as well as classroom observations. And the results turn out that during two-month learning, the Situational Teaching Method has successfully promoted students’ ICC Competence from the aspects of knowledge, attitudes, skills and critical cultural awareness.47198
Key words: ICC Competence; Situational Teaching Method; cultural awareness
摘要基于Michael Byram的跨文化交际模型和新课标中对于学生跨文化交际能力培养的内容,本文旨在研究情境教学法对于初中学生跨文化交际意识培养的效果。本文所采取的研究方法包括对于学生跨文化交际能力的前后测试卷,对于学生及教师就跨文化能力的培养的访谈以及相应的英语课堂观察。经过两个月的调研分析,结果显示,学生在情境教学法指导的英语课堂中,其跨文化知识,态度,技能以及辩证思维能力都成功得到了提升。
毕业论文关键词: 跨文化交际能力; 情境教学法; 文化意识
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 2
2.1 The Intercultural Communication Competence 2
2.1.1 The Definition of Intercultural Communication Competence 2
2.1.2 The Components of Intercultural Communication Competence 2
2.1.3 The Previous Practice on Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence 3
2.2 The Situational Teaching Method 4
2.2.1 The Definition of the Situational Teaching Method 4
2.2.2 The Theoretical Framework of the Situational Teaching Method 4
2.2.3 The Application of Situational Teaching Method into the ICC Class 5
2.3 Summary 6
3. Methodology 7
3.1 Research Participants 7
3.2 Research Instruments 7
3.2.1 Course Design 7
3.2.2 Test for ICC Competence 9
3.2.3 Interviews 10
4. Results and Discussion 11
4.1 Test for ICC Competence 11
4.1.1 Results of Pre-test and Discussion 11
4.1.2 Results of Post-test and Discussion 13
4.2 Interview 15
4.2.1 The Results of the Interview with Students 15
4.2.2 The Results of the Interview with Teacher 17
5. Conclusions 19
5.1 Research Findings 19
5.2 Teaching implications 19
5.3 Limitations 20
References 21
1. Introduction
With the irresistible trend of globalization, communications among countries become increasingly frequent. Hence, in order to better participate in the global society and occupy a prior position, it is indispensable to arouse citizen’s cultural awareness and cultivate their Intercultural Communication Competence.
The former researchers have highlighted the significance of the cultivation of Intercultural Communicative(ICC) Competence. Berardo (2005) proposes that without ICC Competence,the chances of keeping and landing a job internationally slim to none. People who possess the ICC knowledge are adept at knowing how to work across cultures and solve problems with a creative and open mind.
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