
    Abstract This thesis talks about subtitles translation from the perspective of relevance theory by doing a case study of a movie called “A Cinderella Story”. It is composed of three parts: introduction, the main body and the conclusion. The introduction part mainly talks about the purpose and the significance of choosing this topic and the development of relevance theory. The main part is made up of four parts. Part 1 gives an introduction to subtitles and subtitles translation; Part 2 reviews subtitle and subtitle translation and both of their definitions and their features; Part 3 presents the relationship between relevance theory and subtitle translation and points out that it is feasible to use relevance theory to study subtitle translation; Part 4 is a case study and introduces the strategies used in the subtitles translation of the movie under the guidance of relevance theory. The last part is the conclusion, and it points out the suggestions and prospects of the further study on movie subtitles translation.54637

    Keywords: relevance theory; movie subtitles translation; A Cinderella Story.




    1. Introduction ....1

    2. Subtitle and Subtitle Translation...1

    2.1 Subtitle.2

    2.1.1 Definition of Subtitle.....2

    2.1.2 Features of Subtitle....2

    2.2 Subtitle Translation...3

    3. Relevance Theory and Subtitle Translation....4

    4. A Case Study of the Movie A Cinderella Story.....6

    4.1 An Introduction to the Movie.....6

    4.2 Methods Used in Subtitle Translation in the Movie A Cinderella Story...7

    5. Conclusion.11

    Works Cited..12 

    1. Introduction

    Nowadays, more and more people choose to watch movies as their way of entertainment, and with the development of Internet and globalization, an increasing number of foreign movies came to China’s market, which has largely enriched Chinese citizens’ mental life. Foreign movies are not only a good way for Chinese people to learn Western world but also a very good way for them to learn English. However, nowadays in China, there are still a large number of people who don’t understand English, and that’s why subtitles translation came into being. And because people don’t understand English, sometimes they pay more attention to the subtitles than to the movies. If they come across a good translator who can translate the subtitles very well, then they can really enjoy the movie, but if they run into a translator who gives them very bad translations, they can’t have a good mood to appreciate that movie for they don’t understand what those characters are saying. So in this case, to translate subtitles well is very important for movie watchers.

    Subtitles translation originated from western countries such as Denmark and Finland and so on, long before it started in China. The study of subtitle translation was brought to China by Chen Shuren who studied movie aboard. Subtitle translation started in China in 1949, but at the very beginning it was mainly dubbing. With time passing by, and with the enhancement of the international communication, more and more people want to learn more about the foreign culture, and more and more Chinese audience want to know foreigners’ life and culture, which was when subtitles translation came into being, so that people can better appreciate the exotic culture and the charm of the movie.

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