
    However,the traditional senior high school English teaching evaluation, more to stay in the summative assessment level,making a judgment over the students’ grade,which is usually based on test scores, while lacking focus of the students' learning process, emotional experience during the learning , attitudes, values and other aspects of insufficient attention.and teacher is the main body of the assessment, students can only passively accept the evaluation of teachers, lack of reflection on their own learning process. Once the test results are not satisfactory, they tend to lose confidence and interest in learning.源:自/751-·论,文'网·www.751com.cn/

    In opposite of summative assessment, formative assessment takes the value that objectives and process is equally important, which refers to a comprehensive assessment on students' motivation, the process of learning as well as non-intelligence factors closely related to study. And Formative assessment advocates assessment of the Trinity of motivation, attitude and effect.

    So, formative assessment, focusing on all aspects of the concept for the evaluation of students, has a positive impact on senior high school English reading teaching.

    2. Literature Review

        In 1967, Scriven set out the concept of the formative assessment in his book Assessment Methodology. For Scriven, formative assessment collected information to evaluate the effectiveness of a curriculum and guide school system choices as to which curriculum to adopt and how to make it improved. Bloom took up the terminology in 1968 in his book Learning for Mastery to consider formative assessment as a means for improving the teaching-learning process for students. Along similar line. Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick, emphasizing the role that students can play in producing formative assessments state that "formative assessment aids learning by generating feedback information that is of great benefit to students and to teachers. Feedback on performance, in class or on assignments, enables students to restructure their understanding or skills, and build more powerful ideas and capabilities."文献综述

    In 2004, Gao Lingfeng briefly introduced the concept, goal, types, principles and contents of formative assessment in the essay Thoughts about Formative Assessment. Then in 2011, Meng Hong particularly introduced the construction of Formative assessment in English reading teaching at middle schools in her study. After that, Xu xing analyzed the roles of the teacher in constructing of formative assessment in English teaching at senior high school, insisting teacher’s main role in this process in his essay.

    Above all those studies about formative assessment, or construction of formative assessment in teaching of English reading at senior high school, we can clearly find that they are mostly restricted in exploration of theory and analyses of the problems. Without the consideration of actual situation of teaching of English reading at senior high school, as well as the difference of English reading between senior senior high school and middle school. So this essay will explore the construction of formative assessment in teaching of English reading at senior high school.

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