
    In An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection, Professor Hu used a method as ‘assumption-confirmation’. He assumed many situations, and confirmed one by one: 1. evolutionism applies to translation; 2. the core as ‘translator as the center’ could apply to translation; 3. Translation as Adaptation and Selection would solve the problem and is enabled.

    2.1.2 Main point of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

    The first main point of Professor Hu’s new theory is that translation activity happens in ecological environment, in which the translators understand and adapt to the source language environment, e.g., Language, Social Tradition, Metaphor, and select suitable target language, e.g., Words, Idioms, Logic. In a word, when they translate, translators adapt, and select. (Hu Gengshen, 2004: 219). Then professor Hu analysis this kind activity in different dimensions, e.g. linguistic dimension, the cultural dimension, the communicative dimension.

    Secondly, Professor Hu’s theory also come up with the translator’s subjectivity when they adapt the text and select the translation. He points out that the center of the translation is translator. And he expounds his ideology with ‘Ternary relations perspective’, ‘Translators’ Function’, ‘Structure Building’ and ‘Translation Practice’(Hu Gengshen, 2004: 84).来.自/751论|文-网www.751com.cn/

    2.2 Guiding Ideology

    In general situation, translation means only the exchange of the language. But in specific situation, it remains specific analysis. Neither ‘theory of literature and art’ nor ‘theory of linguistic’ has important position in process of computer game localization. It is a result of the combination of source text and translation environment. Comparing with lecture translation, computer game translation does not need much attention to art or aesthetics. The basic function of computer game translation is to guide players’ behavior, rather than to win players’ admiration. In addition, computer games are getting more and more socialized, its character of lifestyle leading to a big gap between lecture and them. So ‘be alike in spirit’ and ‘acme of perfection’ are not suitable in game localization. On the other hand, if translators use linguistic theory to guide their behavior and try their best to achieve equal both meaning and art, they would definitely lose the time and the market.

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