
    However, in the process of junior high school English listening teaching, many teachers mainly concentrate on the teaching of language knowledge, and they use listening materials to teach language knowledge. In class some students passively accept knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar. Teachers neglect the teaching of listening skills and listening ability. Besides, many teachers’ teaching mode is traditional and single. In a traditional listening lesson, a teacher firstly plays the tape, asks students to listen to the listening materials, and then asks them to finish the exercises, and finally checks the answers. This is the common form of a listening lesson, but students are not interested in such a listening lesson. Teachers constrain the listening materials by surface so that the students can’t listen effectively and correctly understand the main idea and specific details of the article. The current situation of English listening teaching in junior high schools isn’t satisfying.文献综述

    To change current unsatisfactory situation of junior high school English listening teaching and solve students’ difficulties in listening, using Task-based Language Teaching which is usually shorted as TBLT in class is very necessary. TBLT can arouse students’ learning interest, cultivate students’ learning enthusiasm and improve student’s listening level. In addition, TBLT can provide students with more opportunities to use language, help students master effective listening methods, improve students’ initiative and creativity, and enhance students’ comprehensive language using ability. Therefore, TBLT can better implement basic education English courses schedule and solve some problems in English listening teaching. This thesis aims to study the theory of TBLT and to look into a suitable way to teach listening in junior high schools by bringing TBLT into English listening class and providing real case.

    2. Literature Review

    TBLT has slowly emerged in language teaching since the 1980s. Now TBLT, which comes from the communicative approach, is well received by foreign language teachers across the world. TBLT requires that teachers put students in the central role and that students understand the language during performing communicative tasks. However, there are some problems in junior high school English listening teaching. In the whole process of listening teaching, vocabulary and grammar take up most of the time, and the training of skills and ability and the stimulation of students’ interest are ignored by teachers. Applying TBLT in junior high school English listening teaching can better solve these problems, let students “learn while do, learn while use”, raise students’ listening interest, and promote their ability of using language in practice. 

    TBLT in English listening teaching has been researched by many scholars at home and abroad. Following are some of the achievements. 

    2.1 The study of TBLT来`自^751论*文-网www.751com.cn

    2.1.1 The definition of TBLT

    The scholars have different views on the definition of TBLT: 

    Nunan (Nunan 24) defines TBLT as an approach to the design of language course in which the point of departure is not an ordered list of linguistic items, but a collection of tasks.

    Skehan (Skehan 55) defines TBLT as instruction where learners are offered tasks to complete in the classroom. It makes the hypothesis that transacting tasks in this way will engage naturalistic acquisition mechanisms, stretch underlying inter language system, and drive development forward.

  1. 上一篇:中学英语课堂导入的设计与分析
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