    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Doris Lessing’ Life    1
    1.2 The Content of The Grass Is Singing    1
    2 The Theoretical Viewpoints of Ecofeminism    3
    2.1 The Viewpoint on nature and women    3
    2.2 The Viewpoint on Patriarchy    4
    3 Oppression under Patriarchy in The Grass Is Singing    5
    3.1 Humans’ Oppression to Nature    5
    3.1.1 Charlie Slatter’s Misuse of the Farmland    5
    3.1.2 Dick Turner’s Domination of Nature    6
    3.1.3 Mary Turner’s Hostility towards Nature    7
    3.2 Men’s Domination over Women    8
    3.2.1 Oppression from Father    8
    3.2.2 Oppression from Husband    9
    3.2.3 Oppression from Black Servant    10

    4 Resistance to Patriarchy in The Grass Is Singing    13
    4.1 Nature’s Revenge to Human Beings    13
    4.2 Women’s challenge of men    14
    5 Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17,19984
    During the whole process of my academic writing, I received lots of challenges and obstacles. However, I have successfully overcome them owing to my unremitting efforts and my supervisor and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who give me endless help during my academic paper writing. Without their dedication and contribution, the process would have been a whole lot more bumpy.
    First of all, my greatest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Associate Prof. Cao Xia, who, throughout the process of my thesis writing, shows great patience and undertakes tremendous responsibility, and never grudged valuable advice or suggestions. Her personality and profound professional knowledge have impressed me so much that I have benefited a lot from her. It is with her encouragement and help that I have gained enough confidence to finish the present thesis.
    Second, my thanks also go to all the professors who have taught me in my college study. They helped me a lot with my academic study. They also helped me to raise my ability in studying and working.
    Last but not least, my gratitude should be extended to my friends and fellow classmates, who help me to explore various approaches to get material and literature and give me advice when I encounter problems in the difficult course of the thesis.

    As the first novel of Doris Lessing, The Grass Is Singing has evoked large resonance since it was published in 1950, which laid the solid foundation for her literary status. This novel takes South Africa which is under the colonial control of Britain in the 20th century as background, presenting the destruction of nature, men’s oppression to women and racial discrimination.
    This paper mainly interprets The Grass Is Singing from the ecofeminism perspective, revealing the author’s ecological awareness and feminist consciousness. The paper consists of five parts. The first part introduces Doris Lessing’s life and her literature works, the content of The Grass Is Singing and literature criticism on this novel. The second part provides the major theoretical viewpoints of ecofeminism. The third part analyzes people’s exploitation of nature and men’s oppression to women under patriarchy. The forth part further presents the resistances from nature and women against patriarchy. The last part concludes that this novel does contain profound ecofeminism awareness, and sums up the significance of interpretation of The Grass is Singing from the perspective of ecofeminism in providing inspirations for us to rebuild a harmonious world. Only with the ecological balance and the healthy human relationship, the society can harmoniously and sustainably develop.
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