
    2 The Theoretical Viewpoints of Ecofeminism
    Ecofeminism is a kind of theory combining ecology and feminism. It can be described as the enrichment of feminism with the insights based on ecology. There are two main theoretical viewpoints of ecofeminism: the point of view on nature and women and the point of view on patriarchy.

    2.1 The Viewpoint on nature and women
    There is no doubt that the ecofeminists combine ecology with feminism because nature and women are always under the domination of men. Nature and women are directly and closely interconnected in different culture. Susan Griffin in Woman and Nature: The Roaring inside Her analyzes the relationship between them: “We know ourselves to be made from this earth. We know this earth is made from our bodies. For we see ourselves. And we are nature. We are nature seeing nature. We are nature with a concept of nature. Nature weeping. Nature speaking of nature to nature.”(1978:226)

    Therefore, nature and women have an inseparable relationship. It can be confirmed that women are connected with nature since they both create and keep lives. Since the industrial revolution, nature is treated as the source of raw materials and the environmental problems become more and more serious. With the discovery of the ecological destruction relating to the oppression of women, ecofeminists inevitably combine nature with women.

    Karen J. Warren defines eight types of connections between nature and women: historical and casual, conceptual, empirical and experiential, symbolic, epistemological, ethical, political and theoretical connections in her introduction to Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Racial Ecology. She acclaims the inner connection between women’s emancipation and environmental protection. From the perspective of ecofeminism, the liberation of females is connected with the elimination of all the other forms of oppression in different groups. According to this opinion, it is certain that without the nature’s liberation, women’s movements for emancipation from men will never succeed.
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