    毕业论文关键词: 动物词汇;文化内涵;对比研究
    Abstract   Language is closely related to language. Language is the carrier of culture, and the most closely and directly reflecting factor is vocabulary. Animals are one of the most accessible species to human in our perceiving of the outside world, so there are many words with relation to animals in both English and Chinese cultures. As a group of culture-bound words, animal words reflect cultural persities in aspects such as social psychology, customary habits, beliefs as well as value orientations. In order to understand fully the whole massages that a word carries and communicate correctly in our communication, the author will look into cultural similarities and differences and reasons of cultural connotations to help us communicate better in acrosscultural communication.
    Key words: animal words; cultural connotations; a comparative study
     A Comparative Study of the Cultural Connotations of English and Chinese Animal Words
    摘 要...i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. Several Basic Concepts....2
     2.1 Animals and Animal Words2
     2.2 Language and Culture.3
    III. The Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Words5
    3.1 Identical Animal Words Sharing Same Cultural Connotations5
    3.2 Identical Animal Words Sharing Different Cultural Connotations6
     3.3 Different Animal Words Sharing Similar Cultural Connotations...7
    3.4 Blankness of Animal Words in English and Chinese9
    IV. Reasons Causing Different Cultural Connotation....10
     4.1 The Influence of Religion...10
     4.2 The Influence of History.10
     4.3 The Influence of Geography11
     4.4 The Influence of Customs.12
    V. Conclusion12
    I.    Introduction

    Language is vital to human beings. We use language every day. We live in a world of words. In other word, hardly any moment passes without someone talking, writing or reading. However, not every people would think what meanings the ordinary word “language” has. In fact, it involves a lot of different senses that we need to distinguish in linguistics.
    Animals are one of the most accessible species to human in our perceiving of the outside world. With the development and process of human society, a lot of animals are tamed to become domestic animals serving people, and many others have become people’s pets. So animals have become an indispensable part of life, as science develops people learn more and more about animals. What’s more, they can be found easily in people’s daily remarks and literal works. As a group of culture-related words, animal words reflect cultural persities in different aspects such as social psychology, customary habits, beliefs as well as value orientations. English and Chinese, as languages with a long history, are both abundant in animal words, and almost all the animal words have their own peculiar connotation resulting from the different social cultures, historical background and geographic positions.
    This thesis can be pided into five parts. The first is a brief introduction to the thesis. The second part focuses on the four important concepts in the thesis and the relationship among them: animals, animal words, language and culture. The third part mainly makes the comparisons of English and Chinese animal words. The next part discusses four reasons that cause cultural connotation differences. The last part briefly concludes the importance of understanding of animal words based on what the author has discussed above.
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