
    From the other scholars views, the vampires are pided into two different categories due to their morals----the good vampires, oriented around Stefan; the evil vampires, centered round Damon, who is the most dangerous one in his clan. But this thesis tries to give an analysis of vampire images in the Freud’s eyes according to his theory of personality.
     The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one gives a brief introduction to vampire in literature. Chapter two analyzes the main characters in The Vampire Diaries from the view of the Freud’s personality theory. Chapter three discusses the realistic significance implied in the vampire images. Chapter four gives a conclusion.
    1.1 A Brief Introduction to Vampire
    Vampires, as “the undead” in western folkloric legend who suck human blood for their lives, have a long history in literature. According to The Old Testament, Cain is punished by God, for his sin of killings his younger brother, and becomes the first religious archetype of the vampire. In Bram Stoker’s masterpiece, Dracula (1987), the vampire, Dracula, is an immortal and cruel vampire image who rebels the God for his love. Another great work of vampire is Interview with the Vampire (1973), written by Anne Rice, which reverses people’s viewpoints towards vampires. Lestat, Louis and little Claudia are vampires in this novel. Both of whom leave deep impressions on readers. And then comes The Vampire Diaries (2009), written by L.J. Smith, and becomes famous almost overnight. The vampire family, namely the Salvatore, especially the brother, Stefan and Damon, turns the vampire history to new page. At the same time, a series of their behavior also embodies Freud’s Theory.
  1. 上一篇:论英语教学中的肢体语言
  2. 下一篇:英汉委婉语的比较及其翻译
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