
    2.2 The Three Beauties Theory of Xu Yuanzhong
    2.2.1 An Introduction to Xu Yuanzhong
    Xu Yuanzhong was born in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province in 1921.In 1938, he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages of the National Southwest Associated University. Xu has been the student of Wen Yiduo, Bian Zhilin and Qian Zhongshu. In 1944, he entered the Institute of Tsinghua University, then, studied in Europe. When he came back, he served as a French and English professor in College of Foreign Languages in Zhang Jiakou, Luo yang and Beijing. In 1983, Xu got into Peking University and worked as a professor in Institute of International Relation, Foreign Studies University and School of Journalism. In 1991, he retired. Before the retirement, he published 20 books. And after that he published 40 books. In 1999, Xu Yuanzhong was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature.
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