    摘要随着不同文化、不同民族以及不同国家之间交流的日益频繁,语码作为构成语言交流过程的重要组成部分,已经成为了一种常见的现象。语码转换的研究已经吸引了许多不同领域的专家学者,他们从语用学、社会语言学、社会心理学以及语篇结构等多种角度对语码转换进行了深入研究。本文主要借助Verschueren 提出的顺应理论并结合于国栋提出的语码转换研究的顺应模式,从近30年中文流行歌曲中选取486条语料,运用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法对中文流行歌曲中的汉英句间语码转换进行分析和研究。通过研究分析发现,中文流行歌曲中的汉英语码转换不单单是语言现象,而是创作者的心理动机的体现,应该引起包括心理学、社会学等多种领域专家学者的关注。  28169
    毕业论文关键词  顺应理论  语码转换  流行歌曲 
    Title    Research of Chinese-English  Inter-sentential  Switching in Chinese Songs under the Linguistic Adaptation Theory               
    Abstract With the increasing communication among different cultures and countries,  code has become an inevitable phenomenon as it forms in the process of language contact. Code-switching has attracted many researchers of different areas.  They made researches from many kinds of perspectives including pragmatics,  sociolinguistics, social psychology and  text structure. With the help of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory and Yu Guodong’s adaptation model  of code-switching research, this study mainly selects 486 corpuses from  the latest 30 years and uses qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to study the code-switching in Chinese popular songs. It can be concluded that code-switching is not simply the linguistic phenomenon, but the reveal of composers’ psychology motivation. Code-switching should arouse attentions by different areas including psychology and sociology.  
    Keywords   Adaptation Theory   Code-switching   Popular songs
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction  . 1
    1.1Background of Study  1
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of Research  . 1
    2 Literature Review   3
    2.1 Definition of Code-switching. 3
    2.2 Research on Code-switching in Foreign Countries   3
    2.3 Domestic Research on Code-switching . 4
    2.4 Research on Code-switching in Popular Songs . 4
    2.5 Relative Researches of Linguistic Adaptation Theory  . 5
    3 Theoretical Framework  . 6
    4 Research Methodology . 7
    5 Analysis and Discussion 8
    5.1 Data Analysis . 8
    5.1.1 Statistic of Code-switching Types  .  8
    5.1.2 Position of Code-switching in Popular Songs  .  9
    5.1.3 Three Main Types of Linguistic Adaptation .  9
    5.2 Adaptation to Social Conventions   10
    5.3 Adaptation to Language Reality  . 12
    5.4 Adaptation to Psychology Motivation 15
    Conclusions   18
    6.1 Main Conclusion   18
    6.2 Limitations and Enlightenments of Research  19
    Table 5-1 Statistics of Code-switching Types    8
    Table 5-2 Position of Code-switching in Popular Songs .  9
    Table 5-3 Three Main Types of Linguistic Adaptation    10
     1 Introduction 1.1 Background of Study As the world becomes more integrated and multinational,globalization is an inevitable trend today. Different cultures communicate with each other and foreign languages especially English are used more frequent in many fields as it’s the international language in the world.  Thus, code-switching, which is a form of English-Chinese  interconversion  occurring  between two sentences or two elements of a sentence, plays an important role and draws much attention of various areas including linguistics, psychology, sociology and so on.   Besides so many forms of code-switching, Chinese popular songs has witnessed dramatic changes of combing English and Chinese together and it is a specific way of showing not only the singer’s emotions but also culture melting which deserves further researches.  Lyric, as a unique form of code-switching, has played an important role in our daily lives.   Code-switching in Chinese popular songs has become a proper way to express emotions, to avoid embarrassment, to reveal the themes and other purposes.  So adaptation is proper and significant here to explain such kind of code-switching and it was YuGuodong who first combined code-switching and Adaptation Theory who considered that code-switching is the specific expression of Adaptation Theory by bilingual  communicators in communication (Yu,2004). Code-switching in lyric just reflects such a communication strategy which adapt to linguistic reality, language reality and psychology motivation. 1.2 Purpose and Significance of Research As code-switching becomes more frequent in daily use, more people are involved in this phenomenon especially for those who can  master two or more languages at the same time. Code-switching has become a kind of communication tool and skill. Popular song is a fashionable choice for people to relax and entertain themselves. Through writing songs, the lyric writers usually want to convey some kind of emotion to audiences and their intentions seemed to adapt to grammar, psychology, and conventions. Therefore, the cause and function of code-switching in Chinese popular songs, the relationship between code-switching and Adaptation Theory  are all worthy researching.
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