
    . Description of Skopos Theory

    2.1 Connotation of Skopos Theory
    As the core of German functionalism theory, translation skopos theory was proposed by a representative of German functionalist Hans Vermeer in the latest 70’s of the 20th century. It completely broke through the equivalence theory which took the original text as the center, and laid the foundation for the functionalist theory. Vermeer pointed out that during the process of translation, the preference coefficient a translator used should not be the original text and its features which emphasized in the equivalence theory, but should be one or several communicative functions which a translation expects to achieve in the target language culture environment. Therefore, what the skopos theory emphasizes is the translation shouldn’t mechanical imitate the original text, but should flexibly choose different translation methods on the basis of the intended purpose of the translation.
    Translation skopos theory thinks that what decides the translation process is the purpose of translation behavior; that the original text is nothing more than a container to provide information and every translator has chosen what they think is important or meaningful information for translation.
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