    摘 要自波兰人类学家马林诺夫斯基(1884-1942)提出并解释了“语境”这一概念以来,语境理论在语言与语言教学研究中得到了充分的发展。本文以语境理论为框架,探讨提高初中英语词汇教学效率的方法,提出词汇教学能够通过图片、实物、肢体语言、比较法、语言描述来创设语境。通过测试对比语境理论词汇教学法和传统词汇教学法的学生词汇学习表现,发现运用语境理论进行词汇教学的班级在词汇记忆和理解上均优于传统教学班。因此,初中教师在词汇教学中应注意应用语境理论提升学习效率,改变传统的单纯记忆词汇教学法。34233
    毕业论文关键词: 语境理论;词汇教学;初级中学
    Abstract Since the concept of “context” was first proposed and explained by the Poland anthropologist Malinowski (1884-1942), it has been developed fully in the fields of linguistic research and language teaching. This paper explores that applying the context theory to English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school can improve the efficiency of mastering words. And context can be created by making use of pictures, objects, body language, and comparison and language description. By comparing the performances between the control class using the traditional way to teach vocabulary and the experimental class, in which the context theory has been adopted to teach new words, we find that students’ memorization and comprehension of new words in the latter class is much better than that of the former one. Therefore, the study suggests that English teachers in junior middle school should pay attention to change the traditional vocabulary teaching method of pure rote by applying the context to the teaching so as to improve their teaching efficiency.
    Key words: context theory; vocabulary teaching;junior middle school
    On the Application of Context Theory in the Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle Schools
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Context Theory    2
    2.1 The Definition of Context    2
    2.2 The Related Researches at Home and Abroad    3
    2.3 The Characteristics of Context    5
    III. The Creation of Context in Vocabulary Teaching    6
    3.1 Creating Context by Using Objects and Pictures    6
    3.2 Creating Context by Using Body Language    6
    3.3 Creating Context by Using Comparison    7
    3.4 Creating Context by Using Language Description    7
    IV. Comparative Analysis of Vocabulary Teaching Classes    8
    4.1 The Teaching Procedures of Traditional Vocabulary Learning Method    9
    4.2 The Teaching Procedures of Context Vocabulary Learning Method    10
    4.3 The Analysis of the Results of the Two Teaching Methods    11
    4.4 The Inspiration from the Context Vocabulary Teaching    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgments    17
      I. Introduction
       Vocabulary teaching is an integral part of foreign language teaching. And the effective vocabulary teaching is directly related to the development of students’ communicative competence. However, in the traditional teaching methods, many students especially middle school students cannot understand and utilize English words after learning English for many years. The reason is that the students only remember the literal meaning of the word rather than the accurate meaning. But the context in interpreting and restricting the meaning of words plays a very important role. Therefore, vocabulary teaching and learning cannot do without contexts.
       A word only appears at the same time with other words, constituting a unified organism, in this way its meaning can be accurately understood. Thus, presenting the context to the students when the teachers teach words can make students understand words and have a good knowledge of the collocation and the specific using of the words. How to apply the context theory to improve the effect of vocabulary teaching and use the context theory to help students master the vocabulary knowledge and improve the ability of using words is a problem to be studied. As the traditional method of mastering words is only remembering a series of letters. However, with the development of language teaching, the drawbacks of traditional vocabulary memory have become increasingly prominent. The word is not only a collection of letters, but also a part of a sentence so the students in vocabulary learning must have a good knowledge about the words in the context. Therefore, we can apply the context theory into word teaching from the following three aspects, cultural context, situational context and linguistic context.
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