
    1.1 A Brief Introduction of Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights
    Emily Brontë was born in 1818, two years after the elder Charlotte and a year and a half before her younger sister Anne. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Brontë children after their mother’s death, was deeply religious. The Brontës’ family lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors and their family life was eccentric and closely guarded. These wild, desolate expanses made up the Brontës’ daily environment, and later became the setting of Wuthering Heights. As witnessed by their extraordinary literary accomplishments, the Brontë children were a highly creative group, writing stories, plays, and poems for their own amusement. Largely left to their own devices, the children created imaginary worlds in which they play. Later, when they grew up, the imaginary world took the form of literature and turned out to be their masterpieces like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, etc.

    1.2 A Brief Review of Wuthering Heights
    The story begins when the old Earnshaw took an orphan home and named him Heathcilff in the memory of his second son who died young. Though the fondness Heathcilff received from the father had given rise to the jealousy of Hindley, the real son of the family; he won the friendship of the daughter, Catherine. After Earnshaw died, Hindley became the master of Wuthering Heights and he took every chance to vent his indignation by treating Heathcliff as a slave. Yet, the misfortune brought Heathcliff and Catherine closer as companions, even soul mates. However, later Catherine met Edgar Linton, the young and rich master of Thrushcross Grange, and finally decided to marry him. So Heathcliff left the family with anger and a broken heart. Three years later, Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley's belongings by gambling, mistreated Hindley’s son, Hareton and married with Linton's younger sister Isabella. He did all the things just for revenge because he was still deeply in love with Catherine. Being sad and desperate, Catherine died in her second mental breakdown, after giving birth to a baby girl who was named as Cathy. At the same time, Isabella also gave birth to a boy. The next years witnessed the revenge of Heathcliff who forced young Cathy to marry his son, and finally had Thrushcross Grange all to himself after Edgar died. When his own son died soon after the forced marriage, Heathcliff realized the meaninglessness of revenge and ended his life by starving.

    The novel now is taken as one of the most highly regarded works in English literature. But when it was first published in 1947, the selling was very poor and it received only a few mixed reviews.

    Through the work actually portrays no sex nor bloodshed, in the eyes’ of the Victorian it was still too shocking and inappropriate in its depiction of passionate, ungoverned love and wild cruelty.  Even Emily Brontë’s sister Charlotte - an author whose works contained similar motifs of Gothic love and desolate landscapes - remained ambivalent toward the unapologetic intensity of her sister’s novel.
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