
    3.4    Identical Animal Words Sharing Different Connotations in Two                 Culture    8
    3.4.1    Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in English, but with Derogatory Meaning in Chinese    8
    3.4.2    Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in Chinese, but with Derogatory Meaning in English    9
    3.5    Different Animal Words Sharing Similar Cultural Connotations    10
    3.6    Blankness of Animal Words in English and Chinese    11
    3.6.1    Unique Animal Words in English    11
    3.6.2    Unique Animal Words in Chinese    12
    4    Factors Influencing Different Cultural Connotations    13
    4.1    Geographical Influence    13
    4.2    Historical Influence    13
    4.3    The Influence of Religion and World view    14
    5    Conclusion    15
    References    17
    A Comparison of Cultural Connotation between English and Chinese Animal Words
    1    Introduction
    Throughout the history of cultural evolution, human and animals come into frequent contact that has formed an interdependent relationship. Images of animals root in the people’s daily life of all countries, reflecting unique culture of each community. It is widely known that language is the carrier of culture and language is greatly relevant to culture. Animal words which comprise titles of animal, phrases and proverbs including animal names, occupy a significant and extraordinary status in language. Obviously, Chinese and English, as two popular languages in the world, contain a lot of words relating to animals naturally, and due to different social background, the connotations of animal words in one language do not coincident with those in another. The brilliant use of animal words is by no means scarce in daily communication or English teaching, which make English and Chinese more vivid and lively in image, clear and expressive in character, affluent and rich in flavor. Therefore, many experts and scholars in linguistics, culture, translation, teaching and so on focus increasing attention on animal words. Undoubtedly, the benefits that the effective understanding and use of animal words would account for human beings are immeasurable.
    2    Literature Review
    At present, it is well-known that vocabulary is the foundation of language, because “words make us human” and “when you are out of words, you are out of life” (Fishwick, 1999 p.32). As the cornerstone in language, words are extensively related to culture. It reflects special social culture, different background and so on.
    Hu (1998) said that words are flexible and usable components containing the largest information such as customs and thought patterns. Dating back to ancient time, animals have kept the closest relationship with human beings so that many animals entail symbolism in people’s mind. Also, people tend to associate their feelings and emotions, even happenings and natural phenomena with various animals. Although at the same time, different people have different attitude towards the animal words. For example, a cricket, in Chinese culture, means loneliness and melancholy. As a result, people in china dislike this insect. Nevertheless, a cricket symbolizes happiness and luckiness in western countries, so the English speakers like this insect.
    In addition, animal words have gradually got their established connotations in almost all human languages with the growing intercultural process. As languages with long history, English and Chinese have ample animal words. So we have enough reasons to convince that the vigorous interests are now replacing the earlier neglect of vocabulary in theory and research (Nation, 1990).
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