
    1.1.2 Development of English teaching competition

        In order to promote the reform of the primary school English curriculum, national first-rank primary English class competition is held every two years,for the purpose of providing teachers all over the country with the chance for communication. Therefore, they can have show their teaching skills and promote together, learning from each other. Schools in Zhejiang province actively respond to the call of implement of educational policies and National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education, they hold the first-rank English class of primary school almost every year, embodying the education spirit of our country. Every year’s competitors are better on the master of the the whole process. Teachers have a better understanding of the new curriculum reform, and have a more accurate mastery of the teaching goal. With full experience of years’ teaching, they all equipped with a higher professional quality. Through these competitions, teachers will carry out deeper teaching researches and keep on reflection. It will help with innovation of teaching methods and skills. But the New Curriculum reform never comes to a end. Despite the achievement gained before, there still remain significant problems for further improvement. However, how to make the step of practice effective is always attached great importance by scholars.

  1. 上一篇:初中英语阅读策略调查研究
  2. 下一篇:对《玻璃动物园》和《欲望号街车》的弗洛伊德式解读
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