
    At abroad, in 1826, Walter Scott made a study of Pride and Prejudice from the overall point of view. He analyzed Jane Austen’s characteristic in his article called The Journal of Sir Walter Scott. In his thought, Jane Austen was a magician who can combine her feelings with the life she observed naturally. She was single all her life and had gift for describing common things of ordinary people. She was the symbol of her era. The British nineteenth Century famous historian, poet and political writer Thomas Maclay ( Thomas Macauley ) to call her "the prose of Shakespeare".

    Although many people have done researches on this novel, there are still lots to be discovered. Something creative is needed. This paper will analyze four marriages with the mating theory to draw a conclusion that love is the only indispensable part of happy marriage.

  1. 上一篇:中国出版初中英语教材和英语原版教材的比较
  2. 下一篇:从关联理论角度谈电影《灰姑娘的故事》的字幕翻译
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