
    It seems that "8 + 8" is eight plus eight, but it actually uses properly the homophonic words “eight” and “ate”. On the one hand, 8 + 8 is equal to the number of 16, which is the size of her skirt. On the other hand, it suggests that she eats and eats so that she gets fat, which avoids directly using the word "fat". According to the dual context that in western society, people are afraid of "fat" and they take "fat" as a morbid state. Therefore, this advertisement smartly use pun to avoid the word “obesity”, which cater to modern ladies’ psychology of advocating slim and beauty.

    (1) “She has own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near.”
    This advertisement takes women as objects, and the word “she” has a double meaning that not only refers to the user of the product but also refers to the product itself. It emphasize that as long as "she" exists, everyone will become much more beautiful. It is the nature of people to advocate beauty. Who will refuse the angel of beauty?

    (2) “Spoil yourself and not your figure.”
    Although the general ice cream is delicious, the figure of being easy to make people fat let lots of women flinch. In this advertisement, the word “spoil” uses pun. “Spoil oneself” means "enjoy oneself to the full", and “spoil one 's figure” means "damage one’s figure". Then the advertisement says the ice cream is tasty and cannot influence beautiful bodily form of the ladies so as to attract more female consumers.

    This sentence sounds like that women is originally beautiful. It looks like that when the capsule appears, women can become more beautiful. And “女人缘” sounds like “女人原来”. This kind of advertisement makes use of the method of spoonerism. And compared with the heard meaning, the literal meaning is the main part of this advertising sentence. At the same time, people could associate it with the heard meaning and the heard meaning is generally more popular which always contains some praise meaning.

    3.1.2 Application of Metaphor
    Metaphor is an analogy between two different objects. This kind of analogy doesn’t need parable words and the noumenon is directly said as another thing. Sometimes only analogized body appears in sentences, but not noumenon. So the meaning is always very implicative.

    (4) “Something within you is Dior.” (Christian Dior)
    Example (4) is the advertisement created for the perfume “Poison” of the international famous cosmetics brand Christian Dior. The advertising language itself, especially the propaganda used in Poison, embodies the metaphor’s ingeniousness. Does the charm exist in the heart or send out naturally? Or maybe evil thoughts (Poison) come from the mind? The businessmen sold out one bottle every 50 seconds within the first two weeks, which broke the world sales record. It's this great advertisement phrase that contributes.

    (5) “我们是你的第二层肌肤.”(某丝袜公司广告)
    This example also uses metaphor. The expression "是你的第二层肌肤" illustrates that the stockings glue with your skin tightly, highlighting the product’s close-fitting efficacy. It is slightly exaggerated and the effect is more obvious than the expression “像你的第二层肌肤”. In addition, this sentence uses the first person "we", which seems like that some sort of life is narrating. This advertisement phrase regard things as people.
  1. 上一篇:乔治•奥威尔小说《动物农场》和《1984》社会对比研究
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