
    2.2 Inferential and Ostensive Communication
    Many linguists believe that there are two models of communication: the code model and the inferential model. However, out of the inadequacies of both the code model and inferential model, Sperber and Wilson put forth the notion of ostensive-inferential communication. Ostension and inference are two aspects of the process of communication: the communicator is involved in ostension and the audience is involved in inference. Ostension refers to that the communicator provides the maximum information to the audience and inference is that the audience infers the communicator’s intention by the ostensive information. An ostensive-inferential process in the communication focuses on the informative intention rather than meaning. Sperber and Wilson define the ostensive-inferential communication as below, “the communicator produces a stimulus which makes it mutually manifest to communicator and audience what the communicator intends, by means of this stimulus, to make manifest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions.”(Sperber and Wilson, 2001:63)
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