    摘要随着全球化进程的加快,全世界的信息传递、交换速度增加,不同文化的思想发生了交融和碰撞。全球超过三分之一的人把英语当作母语、第二外语。而英语新闻作为绝佳的载体,给非英语母语国家的人民提供了丰富的信息,包括中国去研究学习。因此,理解新闻语言在信息传递的重要性是不言而喻的。中国亦发行了不少内容为英语新闻的报刊,例如《中国日报(China Daily)》等极具权威性的报刊。然而比较以英语为母语的国家发行的报刊,如《纽约日报(New York Times)》会发现,即使是报道类似主题,英语母语国家和非英语母语国家所使用的词汇也大有不同。
        本篇主要基于是由美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出来归化法和异化法,选取《中国日报(China Daily)》和《纽约日报(New York Times)》上基于相似事件的报道各十篇,共计二十篇,挑出具有代表性的词汇,对比两份英语报刊选用词汇的不同之处。通过分析报道者选取这些词语背后的用意,结合政治背景、文化影响,并以一些中国特色词语为例,探讨原因。以期对英语报刊阅读者以及英语学习者有所帮助。24449
    关键词 新闻词汇 对比研究 异化法 归化法
    Title  Comparative Vocabulary Analysis in English and Chinese News Texts
    Abstract    On the accelerated process of globalization, the information is passed around the world with ever increasingly rate. Therefore, the minds of different cultures blend and collide. More than one third of people worldwide speaks English as their mother language, or a second language. The English press, as a great support to the people of non-English speaking countries including China, offers a wealth of information, to study. As a result, it stands to reason to understand the importance of news in transferring information. China also distributes a number of newspapers in English, for example, China Daily and other highly authoritative newspapers. But the reports of the similar topic in newspapers in English-speaking country, such as New York Times, choose unique words from non-English speaking countries.
        This paper is mainly based on the translation theory proposed by Lawrence Venuti, the famous American translation theorists, in 1995 in Translator’s Invisibility, which is Alienation and Naturalization. 20 reports are selected from China Daily and New York Times of parallel event, 10 respectively. Comparing differences of words in the two English newspapers, so the law can be summarized. Reasons are explored through combining with political background, cultural influence and take Chinese culture-specific words as examples.
    Keywords   news words   comparative study    Alienation  Naturalization
     Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Literature Review    2
    3 Research Methodology    4
    4 Results and Discussion    5
    4.1 Political function    6
    4.2 Cultural function    7
    4.3 Chinese culture-specific words    9
    Conclusion    13
    Acknowledgments    14
    Bibliography    15
    1    Introduction
    With the increasingly fast process of globalization, international integration arises from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. English news is a rich source of readily accessible data for China to study, research and communication. The language of news media is prominent and pervasive in society, and it is well worth the effort to understand how news language functions in the process of news transmission, how news language attracts audiences and affects their perceptions, how news language is shaped by values and how news texts are organized. Meanwhile, it is also an open window for people from both home and abroad who are anxious to acquire information about China through reading newspaper like China Daily. There is no doubt that China is playing a more and more significant role in international arena, but discourse power in mass media is not so satisfying, or in other words, not accord with her identity. After comparing English news broadcast in Chinese and English newspapers, it can be obviously found that journalists have a tendency to choose different words. Such difference shows the cultural and social gap between native speakers and English learners.
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