
        Based on my own teaching experience and close reading of some articles and the careful observation of other teachers’ performances, I find there are still some common problems existing in primary English teaching class. Therefore, this paper intends to make a study on common problems in primary English teaching class, as well as provided some countermeasures. Part two will illustrate previous researches on mainly three common problems in primary English teaching class. Part three introduces the relative theories, based on which those three problems are studied. Part four discusses the three common problems, the causes of these three common problems, and the countermeasures of the three common problems. Part five presents a conclusion about the whole thesis.

    II. Literature Review

        With the gradual deepening of the new curriculum reform, society, schools and parents constantly pay more attention to primary English teaching. Meanwhile, teachers are improving their teaching proficiency, and teaching methods, or techniques. As a result, the pupil’s English proficiency is gradually improving. However, there exist some problems in primary English class. In this section, we will illustrate previous researches on the common problems in primary English class.
        There are so many types of problems in primary English class. For instance, problems in the using of teaching aids, class discourses, and so on. In this paper, we will mainly focus on three kinds of common problems in primary English class, namely, problems on using teaching aids, problems of neglecting the cultivation of reading and writing ability and problems in task-based activities.
    2.1 Previous Researches on Problems in Using Teaching Aids
        In primary English class, teachers often use various kinds of activities or teaching aids to attract pupil’s attention and stimulate their learning interests. Appropriately using some teaching aids can improve pupil’s learning efficiency and learning interests. However, there are some problems in using teaching aids.
        Chen Hong lei has studied the use of teaching aids in primary English teaching from these aspects: the problems in using teaching aids, the principles should be followed in the process of using teaching aids. Wang Lixin has discussed the application of multiple media into primary English class teaching. Firstly, the author illustrated the advantage of multiple media in class teaching, in the fourth section of the article, the author described common problems existed in class teaching. Wu Xiaomin (58-61) also conducted a research to probe into the use of teaching aids appropriately and some common problems in primary English teaching.
        The previous researches have made a detail description of common problems in primary English teaching class and explore some reasons and put forward some solutions. However, few studies discuss these problems based on the attention theory and cognitive theory in educational psychology. In this paper, we will discuss these problems from the attention theory and cognitive theory.
    2.2 Previous Researches on Neglect of Cultivation of Reading and Writing Ability
        In recent years, with teachers paying more and more attention to cultivate pupils’ listening and speaking ability, pupil’s speaking and listening ability have been improved a lot, while there are some problems in cultivation of reading and writing ability due to the neglect of this two language skills.
        Xu Lingling conducted a research of the necessity of phonetic teaching in primary English class and discussed some common problems in primary English class and put forward some suggestions to cope with these problems based on the difficulty pupils faced in learning English, especially, word reading and pronunciation. Wu Caifen’s (41-44) investigation of teaching proficiency in the author’s town indicated that 92% of the seventh grade students did not have the ability to pronounce words on his own with the help of spelling rules. Ji Jingjing has discussed the effective ways to phonetic teaching in primary English class after probing some problems. These researches were just description researches and they stated that phonetic is fundamental to English learning. Based on this they came to a conclusion that pupils should be taught phonetic knowledge and they can learn them well. However they did not make an explanation of the problem based on national curriculum. In this paper, we will make an explanation of the problems based on national curriculum.
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