II. Introduction of Skopostheorie
2.1 The Brief Introduction of Skopostheorie
Skopostheorie, which was developed by Hans J Verneer, is regarded as the core and sign of Functionalist Translation Theory. Hans J Verneer brought the theory of human action into Skopostheorie. He truly considers that the target text should keep equivalence to original text in content, communicative function and linguistic style. However, because of the differences between Chinese and English culture, it is hard to achieve this kind of equivalence. What’s more, the process of advertisement translation is a kind of intercultural interaction with clear aims and intentions, which requires that translators transfer signs from one language into another. So translators must be bicultural. “Verneer opposes to the static and absolute attitude to text and translation, which debates on what a text is, his approach is relative to the inpidual situation and hence dynamic.” (Horn 46) According to the framework of Skopostheorie, Verneer insists that “one of the most important factors determine the purpose of translate is the addressee, who is the intended receivers or audiences of the target text with their specific cultural world-knowledge, their expectation and communicative needs.”(Nord 10) Compared with the Functionalist theory, Skopostheorie emphasizes the statue of the target text. However, the translators should select useful information by themselves from the source text during the procedure of translation.
2.2The Requirements for Translators under the Skopostheorie
As for the international cosmetic companies, the purpose of advertisement translation is to get more consumers aboard. So cosmetic advertisement translation should put the target consumers in the first place, considering their cultural backgrounds; interests; needs, so as to attract their attentions and purchase products or services. Translators must satisfy the purposes as following: The first is general purpose, which the international companies should illustrate the formulas and effects of their products and try their best to get the lion share in the competitive market. The next one is communicative purpose between the source text and the target text, which plans to stimulate the potential consumers through the cultural transformations. The third purpose is to satisfy the target receivers’ psychology. The elegant and expressive translation of cosmetic advertisement is extraordinarily important, which can stimulate consumers’ desires to purchase their products or services.
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