
         Those kinds of practical researches like the above-mentioned ones take up a large proportion in the whole international commercial contract researches. Thus, the style and variety of this kind of contract is far beyond what I can cover in this space. However, there is one important point we should keep in mind that these researches share one overall characteristic—their contents cover many areas and their cases are truly abundant. Therefore, they commonly are of advantageously practice and instructing.

  1. 上一篇:中学生英语口语学习过程中困难成因及解决对策
  2. 下一篇:《美国悲剧》的克莱德悲剧原因探析
  1. 切斯特曼翻译伦理视角下...

  2. 浅谈翻译美学理论下汉语叠词的英译

  3. 功能翻译理论视角下的毕业论文摘要英译研究

  4. 从文化误读视角看美剧字...

  5. 变译论视角下《复仇者联...

  6. 三美论视角下中国古诗英...

  7. 接受美学视角下中国古典...

  8. 应用于ITSOFCs的浸渍电极制备与性能研究

  9. 聚合氯化铝铁对磷吸附特性的研究

  10. 张家港万吨级散货码头主体工程设计+CAD图纸

  11. Floyd佛洛依德算法详细解释

  12. 黑白木刻版画中的技法表现

  13. 地方政府职能的合理定位

  14. GC-MS+电子舌不同品牌的白酒风味特征研究

  15. 公示语汉英翻译错误探析

  16. 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶光...

  17. 德语论文德语汽车技术词汇中的名词特点




