
         Besides, modern educational technology has got further developed in the educational practice. So obviously, we have entered a new information era in which the links between technologies and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) have already been established. Many schools in China have used the multimedia to assist English teaching in almost every part, and most students and teachers found that multimedia fills in English classes with vitality. Although there are a wide array of papers about the model of reading teaching, the number of studies on the use of multimedia computer in reading teaching is smaller. In addition, most of the studies just stay on an early stage, which are lacking systematic researches.

         Thus, based on the understanding above, this paper aims on how to utilize multimedia computer to optimize the English reading teaching in junior school for further discussion. Then this paper is on the basis of the current new English curriculum standards, and combines advantages between the traditional classroom teaching mode and network teaching. With the intent to broaden students’ knowledge, the paper constructs an English reading teaching mode in junior school with multimedia and internet under the guidance of modern education thought and education theory.源:自/751-·论,文'网·www.751com.cn/

         The paper first represents the idea for the construction of this mode, and then introduces the mode in detail. Finally, the author introduces the application of this mode and finds the existing problems when implementing. In a word, according to the actual English reading teaching in junior school, advantages of existing modes and teaching experience of English teachers, the paper forms the English extended reading teaching model assisted by multimedia in junior school, which is under the guidance of Krashen’s input hypothesis theory and Swinna’s output hypothesis. 

    2. Literature Review

         Now, linguistics widely adopts the decision made in Toronto TESOL plenum that uses CALL (computer-assisted language learning) to refer to all kinds of language learning and teaching which use multimedia in general.文献综述

    2.1 Domestic Research Status about MCALL

         Our country began the research of multimedia computer-assisted language learning (MCALL) in the early 1970s. And it rapidly developed in the late 1980s and the early 90s. Although our country’s MCALL is only placed in the medium level currently. I believe, with the development of Chinese comprehensive strength, it has a bright prospect. The Minister of Education pointed out in 2000 that as the same of promoting information technology, we also need apply information technology to miscellaneous subjects teaching. English curriculum standard of junior school states that we should sufficiently make use of information technology and internet. Varieties of resources we can search on the internet provide abundant resources for English teaching. Moreover, students can choose the learning materials and ways in accordance with their own needs by using computers or internet. Besides, this will make it possible for students to share their learning materials and help each other through computer or internet.

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